As at 31 December 2023, the following entity or person has the beneficial interests in the shares of the Company as set out below:

Name of shareholder Class of shares Capacity in which
the shares are held
Total interests
(Number of shares)
% of holding
James Mellon Ordinary shares Beneficial owner Long position 40,380,607  
  Ordinary shares Interests held by controlled corporation
(Indigo Securities Limited) 
Long position 2,579,190  
  Ordinary shares Interests held by controlled corporation
(Galloway Limited) 
Long position 86,193,787  


Interests held by James Mellon, Indigo Securities Limited and Galloway Limited (both are beneficially wholly-owned by James Mellon) are approximately 56.56% in aggregate, disclosures are made with reference to the relevant Disclosure of Interests Form filed from time to time. As at 31 December 2023, the total number of issued ordinary shares of the Company was 228,392,286 shares.